Our PTO is made up of hard-working parents & teachers who pool their talents to provide practical support for our school. Those listed below volunteered to provide leadership this year. Get to know their names and faces, and feel free to ask them if you have questions.





Holly Cheshire 

Vice President 

Christi Keys


Carol Fisher


Ashley Makowski



Awards- Lisa Even

Boohoo Breakfast- Ashley Fuchs

Book Fair- Ashley Bolfing & Veronica DiSalvo

Boosterthon- Lara Leikam

Business Sponsorships- Lindsey Quisenberry

Communications- Jessy Ralls & Katy Paeltz

Family Events- Stephanie Ballard 

Food Drive- Allison Burke

Frosty's Snow Bash- Amy Little

Holiday Shop- Ashley Fuchs

Marquee- Ashley Makowski

Musical- Yvette Bova

Rodeo- Lara Leikam

School Supplies- Karen Strope

School T-Shirts- Deanna Hopkins

Spirit Nights- Mindy Phillips


Spirit Shop- Lara Leikam

Staff Appreciation- Veronica DiSalvo

Teacher Liaisons- Kristen Miles & Jamee Brick

Yearbook- Elizabeth Straw




Kinder- Jodi Robinson

1st Grade- Lindsey Quinsenberry

2nd Grade- Joyce Carter

3rd Grade- Dusti Riewe

4th Grade- Karen Strope


What is the PTO?

The objectives of the Greens Prairie Elementary Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) are to help create and provide an environment for the enjoyment of learning, an enthusiasm for fun of learning, and the highest and utmost advantageous standards available to help achieve the highest potential in the education process.


The PTO is a Non Profit Organization. The PTO has a minimal operational budget. The money that is raised through the PTO is used to benefit all of the students and staff at Greens Prairie Elementary.


In the past 3 years, the PTO has funded:

4th grade field trip to the state capitol in Austin

50 laptops and 2 laptop carts

The sound system used at all school events as well as in car-rider line

Costumes for the musicals

White board desks for math classes

Art tables

Playground equipment

Dinosaur George program

The Yuck Show

Take home readers

Teacher grants

New library books


How does the PTO raise money?

Local businesses and individuals generously sponsor our school t-shirts and events such as Frosty’s Snow Bash and Mustang Rodeo

Annual Mustang Rodeo and BBQ Cookoff

Boosterthon (every other year)

Book Fair (all money raised through the book fair is used for books and resources for our school library)

Fine Arts Night and Art Show (art sales profits are used to fund art supplies)

Spirit Nights

Box Tops

Amazon Smile


Interested in open board positions? Or how you can help on any of the committees? Contact us at pto.greensprairie@gmail.com. Please put the committee's name in the subject line of your e-mail and we will forward it on to the appropriate executive or committee members.